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Sunday, January 15, 2006


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oooo...bende Soduko ni dah lama (well, since last year je) jadi amat popular kat UK ni. everyday ada dlm newspapers etc, dah jadi setaraf dgn crossword puzzle. competitions, tournaments pun ada. saya tak pernah cuba, pasal as i said many times before, i only know to count up to 10 :)


In this game, you only need to count up to 9,so you are qualified to play;-)

Btw,similarly in KL.The game has reached the level of x-word puzzle and it is printed in our local Malaysian papers.

It has been there for some time,but I only know about it lately from a friend.

Hmm..yes, I tried it once and took more than 20 mins the first time. Rather addictive though and there is a sense of satisfaction at completing a round!

Hmm..yes, I tried it once and took more than 20 mins the first time. Rather addictive though and there is a sense of satisfaction at completing a round!

I'm quite fast solving sudokus, but there are some difficulty levels that take about 1 hour of thinking!

I tried a few difficult ones, then after more than 30 minutes I got lost and gave up.For the moment,I shall remain in the average domain.

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