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Friday, December 09, 2005


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Due to time constraint and workload, I only manage to qatam quran only once in 2 yrs.
My Father in law does it several times in a year! But I think more importantly is to read and understand its meaning. Thank you for this Friday tazkirah!

Once every two years is very good compared to once in the last 20 years!
A few months ago,I asked my friend whether he khatam Quran last year.He replied no.Then I asked how about the last 5 years.He looked to me and shaked his head sideways...and then I saw tears in his eyes...

I think this is truly rare nowadays: a friend asking another whether he has khatam the Quran and the friend reduced to tears ...

last sekali saya khatam quran masa kecik dulu, lepas tu dah tak ingat biler habis baca. sedih plak rasanya. sekarang ni, saya hanya dengar mp3 al quran sahaja.

Thank you Abedib for the reminder. Sometimes we got 'confused' of what should be our priority. :)

why not set a target to khatam Quran at least once next year?
The things that are important and urgent get our priority,right?If we neglect reading and understanding Quran,the answer is obvious.It is better we take some time to realign our life priorities from time to time.

As what I now, the easiest way to get "rahmah" from the Majlis Khatam Quran is during musim org kawin. We as a guest/ relatives can take this opportunity (rahmah) to sit & listen say about 20-30 minutes only or more...insya Allah. For me, my last khatam quran was during last Ramadhan, alhamdulillah...

Assalamu alaikum,
I came across the following link and all lectures are quite good. One of them mentioned of the "Khatam of the Quran". Needs to click under "Media" section (right hand side on the page).


A'kum to all,
There is an online Quran comes with meaning - easy to explore all Surahs. I purchased that book in K.L sometimes back in 2004. Hope you all enjoy reading it. InsyaAllah.

A Muslim should have learn Quran. When a person finish Quran first time then you must have to congratulate him/her. Spread some sweets in people. Then that person should try to live his/her life under the Quran light.

Today,I have received an invitation from my schoolmate to attend his majlis khatam Quran on 7th Aug,2010.Alhamdulilah.

Quran guide us towards us nature and show us the path where we all are one. Quran teach us how to convert our individual thinking into collective thinking so that peace prevail in our society.

Quran is a book of God. saved in it's orignal text.Any one who reads it to seak guidance will be granted. If we learn Arabic language we can understand Quran text and do not have look for the translation.

It is good to finish reading Quran once every year. as prophet (pbuh) used to recite whole Holy Quran to angel Jibrael in month of Ramadan.

Terima kasih di atas nasihat yang amat berguna ini.

Really informative, I've never even heard of this details.

Thanks for this nice post. The details was very helpful.

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