The light is shining on you,Steve Jobs!Only last month Apple launched iPod Nano and yet yesterday anothe new product was launched-a video iPod.Congratulations to Steve Jobs and his innovative team. My only regret is that I donot have Apple shares.
As a macuser,I am happy to note that Apple keeps on upgrading its OS and innovating new products.Apple is making its own products obsolete and remains the major player in its own market niche.The people at Apple were very busy this year and no wonder the company latest quarter report is the best in its history!
By the way,what make Apple different from the rest of the computer companies? IMHO,it is the passion that drives it.The passion of its leader,the passion of its workers and last but not least the passion of its customers.
I think all of us can learn something from Apple's success story.
The ipod video is a must have!!!!!!
Posted by: I.N | Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 12:17 PM
I agree 100%.
Posted by: Adib | Friday, October 14, 2005 at 05:44 AM
salams Abedib & friends....
i am a newbie in MAC-world, but I have been eyeing MAC for years, finally jumped the boat and I don't feel departed with the money i paid for my first MAC...its really worth it, every single sen.
its not always about what we wanna have, or what others have...its about what we have earned, its the rezeki from Allah, its the BEST from HIM always, and always be thankful and part of being thankful is reflecting on how good we utilize it, that is all that matters!
selamat bertahajjud & bersahur!
Posted by: kyril | Monday, October 17, 2005 at 10:38 PM
You sounds like a a mac fan already;-}
I am glad yu enjoy your iBook and when we are free w should meet to discuss how we can use mac for business,pleasure and ibadah.
Posted by: Adib | Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 05:05 AM