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Saturday, July 30, 2005


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There are a few tea houses in CH but the ones within the plantation are bharat tea and boh tea. if you are adventurous enough then you can go to boh tea. it is about 6km from the main road. the tea house is located next to the tea factory where you can actually see how the tea is being process.

I have been to CH for many times since 1997 but my first visit there was not far from Abedib which was 1984 or 1985.

and I look forward to go there before ramadhan. and to learn that the temp has gone down again make it more interesting.

Abedib, awwww...luvly juvly picture! I'm glad that you get to have tea at Bharat Tea House. I miss the place so much! I can stay there for 6 solid hrs, just have tea/biscuits/scones/puff & chatting away with a friend while enjoying the view. ;-)

Abe Dib:

Looks like u and Kak N were having a great time in Cameron. Such a lovely couple you are.
We went to Cameron once a couple of years back but we were so turn off with the bad road condition. Very sad to learn that it hasn't been improved.

Adik Di

Adik Di,
Thanks for your kind words about my wife and me.As we grow older and the children started to live their lives and moving out,you will discover that your wife is your best friend to keep you company.

What a pleasanr suprise for me.Actually,I have taken photos of my tea and scone that day but with my mobile phone when my camera ran out of memory.

You can see the photo at my flickr:

Just to inform you that I have updated the posting to include the missing photo.Looking at that photo,I just can't wait to again as soon as the monsoon period is over.

Boh ada dua tea house. Satu di Habu (about 5km before Tanah Rata (from Tapah), dan satu di Sungai Palas, near Brinchang. The small road to Sungai Palas is on the left, just after the big hotel on the right (Equatorial?). Sorry my memory is sometimes not so reliable. There is also a tea house in Taman Sedia. I frequented KHM tea house. The only thing is that it is not in a tea plantation but in a strawberry park. Compared to the price of tea and scones at Bharat Tea or Boh Tea, the price at KHM is probably less than half. KHM lacks publicity, and hence thee are very few tenants. It is small in size, by the way. At KHM you can buy almost anything strawberry--jam, sauce, acar, preserved straws, lollipops, etc. My eldest daughter is in Cameron Highlands, by the way. For the past one year, me and the missus went there about four times.

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