Sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree with others' views. It is possible that both of us are wrong even though we agree to a point of view.So, I think it is good to consider others' views even though we disagree with them.If it is possible, we should ask them why, so that we may check our own views.
This afternoon, I went for a business appointment at KLCC Tower One.I took this rare opportunity to snap a few photos of the garden.The view of KLCC garden from the high tower is different from at the bottom.It will also differ depending on where you are located (horizontally or vertically) and the time of the day...The views may also differ if the eyes are defective or using telescopic lenses.
If we are looking only from the top, we may see the garden but not the bees sitting on the flowers. To really see the real issues,we must see from differing perspectives and also at different times. At times, we only see what we want to see,so it is good to ask others what they see.
Below are three photos taken from three different locations/elevations of the lake at KLCC garden:
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