So far, we have collected about 200 mobile phone numbers of our school alumni members.Hopefully, by early next month, we are going to do a trial run using sms as a mean to communicate to all of our registered members.One just need to send the message to a special number and the message will be distributed by the system to all.Initially the trial run will be free through contributions by a few members, but later on we need a financial model to make it sustainable.The benefits are manifolds especailly in seeking information and assistance when one really needs it.
I told the above proposal to one of our Masjid committee members over breakfast this morning. He suggested that a similar system be set up for our khariah so that the information about the religous lectures could be distributed to all khariah members.Not only that, he said that when someone dies, the news could easily and quickly be dissiminated to all.For the record, on everage, about 10 persons died every year in my khariah.
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