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Monday, February 21, 2005


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Sometimes an ordinary photographer can look professional as well. Some of your photos are great. I have not been taking pictures seriously for years. Now that I have a camera phone that I started to snap photographs again but not that often. May be I need to brush up a little bit. The skill is no longer there. My eyes no longer capture good subject nor exciting object. :-( may be I need to rest a bit from my work.

Keep your photos coming. I love to see our world from the lens of a camera. :-)

The 'great' ones happened by accident;-)

Whatever it is, they are Great Shots! :-) my can't beat yours yet. ;-)

i like fotopages more than the can have great photo shots just by using simple digital camera (read as digicam). not necessarily owning a slr though....


Given the choice,I prefer a SLR;-)

Agreed with you Knizam.Even a cheapo mobile phone camera can produce great photos if it is in good hands.

I once read an advice by a professional photographer:
"Good pictures not necessarily needs good/quality camera, but how you focus/compose the subject correctly".

But if I have enough money, looking forward to have a digital SLR, slurrppp! :)

I've got a photoblog but it's been ages since I update them. I even forgot the name & password I use. In short, I even forgot that I have one! ;-)

Assalamualaikum Adib and friends,

I have managed to upload some of the many photographs I took in Aceh.

Please visit this site:

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