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Sunday, January 23, 2005


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Yaaa..mari membaca..bulan membaca dah habis kot...heheheh

Pak Adib, I have lots of unfinished books to read - among them, Lord Jim, Tales from the south China Seas and many more books that I brought back from Malaysia. But I have just finished several short stories by Thai woman writer, Sidao'reung - but that is mainly because I have to do her for this term. She's wonderful and winner of several awards. Wish I could write like her. And of course I am trying to finish Syair Dang Sirat - about a biduanita who stole the heart of a Johore king! When I met Dato Samad Said recently, he told me that he reads at least 5 books at a time! Wow!

Pak Adib. I Support You. I have two racks of books untouched. I think I am more of a book buyer than a book reader.

Alhamdulillah, for this month...I've read 4 books. And I'm targeting to read at least 48 books a year. And I think there is no compromise of not enough time to read, as I myself working in the office. But the most important thing is know how to manage time, especially time to read. I agree with you Pak Adib....

Came across this blog and I agree with your point. Our soceity has not changed though government spent millions of ringgit to promote readings.

I have a daughter who will turn 2 in April. My husband and I find time at least 30 mins on reading everyday. And I can see the different. She will take any magazine and pretend she is reading it cover to cover. We also go to Kinokuniya or Times at least 2 times a month.

What do recommend for a two-year-old baby to read? Besides Roald Dahl, Dr. Seuss, what else do recommend? and also Islamic books.

p/s - I enjoy your “”. I have most of the books. Have you read Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom?

Thanks Jamie for dropping by and leaving me a note.I think you are doing the right thing for your kid.Btw, my youngest boy is 16 yrs old and I have not been buying books for younger children for years.

Yes, I have read Tuesdays with Morrie.

If you have heard of Chowrasta,Penang but have yet to go there(like me),please visit Dr Bubble's blog at:

How I wish we have something like it in KL.

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