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Wednesday, December 08, 2004


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in states,San Francisco also has lots of nice bridges. kito di kelate banyok gertok yg dikaitkan dgn oghe politik..oghe kkapung dok panggil gertok berahing ali, gertok tok guru, gertok abe ding di p.puteh dll. gertok hok dok buat di jeli tu ado namo doh ko? ko demo pakat dok panggil gertok datok pa doh?


Indeed, bridge (architecture) has become a big thing in putting up a place on a world map. These days, competitions are held for such iconic structure. Great stuff (more jobs for us, hehe).

that bridge in putrajaya: the central span looks too simple, yet the two anchors look heavy and unimaginative. i'll give 4/10 for what it must have cost and what it visually gives, sorry.

To the bridge engineers, the beauty lies in the harmony of forces INSIDE the structures where common folks without structure engineering knowledge and understanding could not 'see'.

To one retired engineer, he still thinks that Golden Gate Bridge is the most beautiful bridge in the world when I told him that Rama V111 Bridge in Bangkok looks great.

As they say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

love golden gate! in fact i juz passed on it this afternoon.. coming back from santa rosa to san francisco, do u know that all the bridges are tolled in sf, freeways & highways are free, but golden gate is the most expensive, $5, another bridge in sf that always facinate me is bay bridge, but i always try to avoid that as much as possible, very bad traffic!

I, on the other hand, have seen Thomas Telford's bridges more than any other...3 so far, and still counting.

Thanks bad for the nice pictures of Bay and Golden Gate Bridge.
Here is the link to the famous Mathematical bridge in Cambridge:

the bridge yang kat Putrajaya ( dlm your post) is not open for public lagi kan? heard that ada design flaw..betul ke? but i prefer yang the bridge heading towards Minister of finance kat P'jaya..

The Millau bridge was open yesterday(14th Dec,2004) by the France President. Here is a link to the news:

Abedib, I saw it on BBC news last nite, it was very beautiful..! They show the bird's eye view.

It is seemingly unfair for the bridge design to be solely credited to Sir Norman Foster(New Straits Times, 14 Dec.) Don't get me wrong; he is one of the greatest architects of our time. I have the the pleasure of meeting and working with him and admire his great architectural achievements, but a bridge design requires more than just architectural ingenuity. The Engineer's work to realise this project is a lot more significant. So it is more appropriate to give the primary credit of this project to Michel Virlogeux, the French engineer.

Dear TSO,
Thanks for taking time to give comments.As an engineer myself, I agree with you more than 100%. In the design and construction of bridge of such size and complexities, everyone who has contributed must be given due credit,especially the specialists.

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