When it comes to writing short notes like in my blog, I prefer to write in English. Some of my friends prefer to write in Bahasa Melayu( Malay). I guess it is a personal choice.
Sometimes, I find difficult to express my thoughts and feelings in English.Most likely, it is due to my limited vocabulary and/or my capability to articulate the issue. In a few cases,no equivalent English words can translate the meaning properly.
A few days ago, a friend asked to write articles of my interest for his new monthly magazine in Bahasa Melayu. I told him I am not qualified but he insisted.So,I sarted a blog entitled Kira-Bicara to practise writing in Malay language.
Kira Bicara is derived from Kelantanese dialect "kigho caro".I think it means to take note and do something about it.May be my fellow readers can explain better.
Some four years ago(before the word blog came into existence, I wrote a few short notes in my old homepage that may shed some light of what I mean by Kira Bicara(or Cara Bicara).
Note : Kira Bicara is not a daily journal like The Reader.It may be updated 1 to 4 times in a month.Everyone will be informed if there is any update via this blog.
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