"When are you going back to your kampung(village) to celebrate Eidul Fitr?",asked my friend.
To many people, Eidul Fitr is The Celebration i.e The Hari Raya.I am one of them when I was younger,especially when I was a kid. Now, its meaning has changed over the years. Yes, I do celebrate and enjoy meeting my folks and relatives especially my mother, brother and sister and the rest of the family members who are working all over the country. That is the time,once a year affair that I could meet more of my relatives and friends. It is more of social gathering than a religous one other than the prayer on the first of Shawal.
To me now, the celebration begins on the first day of Ramadhan. I realised this after I went to fast in Makkah and Madinah with my brother,mother and grandmother in 1995.In the Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah,every day of Ramadhan is THE CELEBRATION OF IBADAH.The joy of praying in Masjid Nabawi and Masjidil Haram is beyond explaination.One has to be there during Ramadhan,especially the last ten days. Imagine being in a congregation of a million people!The Eidul Fitr is actually a "sad day" that Ramadhan has left us.
My friend, a pensioner (age 60 years old) cried on the first day of this Ramadhan. He was not sad but happy and grateful to Allah swt for giving him another chance to fast this Ramadhan. The younger muslims/muslimahs may not feel the same way as the older ones do.To many of my peers(50's,60' yrs old persons),the chance to fast again is a blessing and not a burden.
As the age goes up in numbers, our physical stregth goes downwards. A few of my friends( inculding me) regret that we could have done more if we were younger. But when we were younger, we got carried away from doing more ibadah by other worldly attractions and pleasures.
In most cases,the cycle repeats itself....
P.Adib, i am not very old yet (hehe) but the change is clear. I dont look forward to Raya lest i have to be off in my hometown. Hmm..doesnt sound so good, but yeah.
Posted by: jL | Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 01:55 PM
Certain words change its meaning with time.It is nothing to do with words but it is with us-even the word love between husband and wife.
Posted by: Adib | Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 02:43 PM
Apa habaq, Pakcik Adib. Ni saya bukannya apa. Cuma nak mai habaq kat pakcik ni. Dah lama jugak saya perhatikan. Tapi masih tak berubah jugak. Dipendekkan cerita, saya nak kongsi sikitlah sekarang ni.
Typo errors, grammatical errors, inaccurate vocabularies, etc. Banyak kesalahan yang pakcik buat. Mintak-mintak tolonglah dok pebetoikan no kesalahan-kesalahan tu.
Lepaih tu, ada lagi kesalahan-kesalahan yang tak berapa jelaih. Kekadang tu, pakcik post serious contents kat blog-blog kekawan pakcik. Bukannya tak boleh pun. Tapi depa punya "tone" kekadang tu jenih yang light and easy. Masuk-masuk dibantainya pakcik Adib dengan benda-benda yang serious. Lagi teruk lagi, ada masanya posting pak Adib out of context.
Saya bukannya nak mengata pakcik ni. Saja ja. Nak berkongsi perkara yang sebenaq. Bukannya apa, pakcik Adib. Silap nanti, orang panggil pakcik ni syok sendiri. Saja gatai mulut (or jari) menulis benda-benda yang tak sepatutnya ditulis.
Itu saja no. Cheq pun masih belajaq lagi. Manalah tau lain kali, saya pulak perlu diajaq pakcik Adib nanti. Sekian dululah sekarang ni no.
Posted by: Bida | Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 02:21 AM
Habaq baik.Terima kasih diatas teguran Bida.Saya mungkin dah tua ,tapi didalam bidang penulisan saya masih belajar,mungkin dalam kelas tadika. Teguran yg ikhlas saya terima dan insyaAllah ,saya akan membuat perubahan sekadar kebolehan diri saya.
As in my previous posting,I wrote that I stand to be corrected.
If you notice any future mistakes in my typos,grammar and inadequate vocabulary,please let me know so that I can improve myself.
Pak Adib
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 05:35 AM
Assalamualaikum Bida,
I wonder if you could leave a valid email address so that I could send you an email.
You see, I've got a thesis to complete and I may have some "Typo errors, grammatical errors, inaccurate vocabularies" that you might want to comment. I reckon that you have excellent English.
btw Bida, I suggest that in future, if you have any comments as per above to write to Pak Adib, I think it is proper for you to email him privately. Bukan apa no... cheq rasa lebih baik.
ps: about the thesis, I can only afford to pay a small fee for the proof read, as I am just a student crawling to learn English Literature.
Posted by: Honeytar | Friday, October 29, 2004 at 12:41 AM
So pathetic....You are contradicting each and every word that you say....
Posted by: jiwarasa | Friday, October 29, 2004 at 09:10 AM