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Monday, October 18, 2004


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As they say:

Make new friends, but keep the old
Those are silver, these are gold


New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine


Hello Adib,

I hadn't read your blog for some time, but yesterday, in the I-café, I downloaded the latest for home reading. (I do not have a phone connexion at home', I'm back in Spain).

And again --as I wrote your earlier-- I enjoyed the underlying atmosphere of your being as a muslim believer.

I know it is unintentionally, you just write and do and read what you do, but to me it is a relief to read these simple "messages from inside muslim" whereas papers and other media can only describe "muslim from the outside" and tend to concentrate on the fundamentalist's aspect only, because there is "The News".

Nevertheless, this summer, being in France, I could follow the sincere discussions about the disputed headscarf for muslim woman. Also here I could note the difference between the way it was discussed between people, honest, respectful, and the "black vs white" type of discussions you could read in the papers and see on TV

It is always important to keep in touch with "the other reality" when strong political discussions are going on.

Your blog offers me such a link. I'll keep reading you.

Keep writing, God bless you

Kindest regards, Gérard van Eyk

It's just so nice to meet old old friends. I'm not saying that i've been around long enough to have friendships that has lasted as yours but it's always nice isn't it ;)

Cheers!!! :D

Old friends are always the best! The most loyal, the one who understands you best! :) It's really nice having long lasting friendships...though in my 22 years of life, I've yet to find out if any of my friendships will pass the friendship's test of time ;) Hope it will, though!

From my experience, not all old friends or new friends can be trusted.It all depends on circumtances;a few may not be honest or loyal to us all the time.

The Malay words has many varieties of names for friends.They are :rakan,kawan,taulan,sahabat etc. Each has its own meaning.


old friends, treasures from the past, that's what they are. there are some whom i have known for 30 years. some are successful, many are "biasa", a few not doing too well but they are all friends....


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