First, let me thank my friend Kura-Kura for giving me the book entitled "small is beautiful" -a study of economics as if people mattered;written by E.F Schumacher. It must has been more than 15 years since I last heard the slogan "Small is Beautiful". My country Malaysia was striving to be great nation,so many people want to make great things and have everything big.In the process,some have succeeded and some have failed.
I have not read the book yet,but I hope to discover something that I could do for me and others-in my own small way.I love simplicity.It is a beauty by itself. I think it is worth while to look again at "small things" because a few "big things" are quite ugly to look at.
Note:At the same time bookshop,I bought a very thick OS Manual for my mac-Mac OS X,The Missing Manual that Apple forgot to give when I bought my iBook.It should have been in the box;-) It cost me RM104.80
Oh no! The missing manual is for Jaguar or Panther? Because Tiger is coming up!
Posted by: Reader Jr | Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 12:28 PM
It is for Panther.I need to learn the basics.
Posted by: Adib | Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 12:49 PM