How much did you spend in the way of Allah this year? Syaik Khalid Yasin, in his lectures at Masjid As-syakirin,KLCC last week told the audience that we muslims are very stingy.According to him, if every muslim/muslimah were to donate 10% of our wealth, it is more than enough to provide muslims all over the world with the best schools.medical facilities etc for all the ummah!
Let me quote Surah al-Hadeed ayat 10:
“What hesitation should you have in spending in the way of Allah swt when everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah swt.”
Just look at whatever we may have.Previously,they belong to other people.When we leave this world, all ‘our wealth’ will belong to others after us. In fact, we are just acting as trustees.Yes, we worked hard to acquire our income/wealth, but as muslims/muslimah we also believe that whatever ‘belongs to us’ is given by Allah swt.
The bottom line is we ACTUALLY donot own anything ,even our own body.Everything belongs to Allah swt. So,let me remind myself and my fellow muslims to allocate some portion of our income/wealth to be spent in the way of Allah.
Below are two ayat to motivate us:
Surah al-Hadeed ayat 11:
Who is ready to give a sincere loan to Allah swt so that He can double it for him agenerous reward beyond it.
Surah an-Naba ,ayat 36:
There is a reward from your Lord and an additional gift according to your sincerity.
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