Below is the fiction List of best selling books from Kinokuniya Bookstores.Personally, I visit this bookshop every week because it is only 10 minutes from my home. However , I also frequent MPH bookshop:-
1.The Da Vinci Code-Dan Brown
2.Angels and Demons-Dan brown
3.Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix-JK Rowling
4.Night Play-Sherrilyn Kanyon
5.Visions in Depth-JD Robb
6.The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night Time-Mark Handdon
7.Avenger -Frederick Forsyth
8.Digital Fotress-Dan Brown
9.Can You Keep a Secret?-Sophie Kinsella
10.Deception Point-Dan Brown
From the above list, I have read books no:1,2 and 8.IMHO,No 1 is still the best book by Dan Brown.Beta-Blogger has given me book no: 6, but my son is reading it now.I have to wait for my turn.
If you have read a very interesting book(fiction or non-fiction),please leave a note and share with the readers of this blog.Thank you.
Here is the link to Best Selling Books at MPH
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