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Friday, August 20, 2004


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If I can recalled a conversation that we had sometime last year, I did mention to you that, "the more I learned, the more I noticed that I knew very little..".

IMHO I'm quite agree with the proverb "tuntutlah ilmu dari dalam buaian sehingga ke liang lahad". We should not stop to learn. It is sunnah. Wallahu'alam.

This posting is a reminder to me and others that most of us after we graduated, we got caught in our work and do very little reading and learning.

For those who called themselves professionals, they need to continuously updating their knowledge;failing which ,IMHO, they cease to be professionals.

When it comes to religous knowledge,amal must complement knowledge.

Pak Adib,

Just to share.

Learning is any relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience. - Stephen P Robbins

which means that learning must lead to change in behaviour. Learning is futile if it is not reflected in changes in our behaviour. In our case learning should lead us to become a better Muslim and a better person.


Thanks Jiwarasa for your inputs!
Another thing that we evaluate is what knowledge do we have and what knowledge that we must have-for this temporal world as well as for the next world.

Prof Kamal hasan of UIA wrote that knowledge are divided into three categories:

1.empirical knowledge.
2.scientific knowledge.
3.revealed knowledge(wahyu).

We need all of the above.

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