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Saturday, August 21, 2004


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The firefly, the pteroptyx tener, is actually a beetle. The Selangor firefly is quite unique in the world because, in a group, they 'twinkle' in unison; quite a feat don't you think? I once tried to make a group of school-children cross the road and they flew all out of synch and ended in this state of dementia which I still am in now. The firefly and the berembang tree hold many legends for Selangor, the berembang being the tree they harbour in to do their kelip-kelip, of a night, just like those twinkly stars in the sky. Many think it's the berembang that draws firefiles, but now some say no, it's those snails under the berembang that they feed on and are attracted to, and the tree's just a convenient place for now. Now the sungai is under threat because of developments in the area; mangrove swamps aren't as attractive as condominiums and a marina' for some. The mangrove swamp - which will soon be destroyed - is also a crucial part of our existence. It maintains a perfect balance between salty and brackish water and contriubutes a host of things to our ecology. Prawns in the sea rely on mangrove swamps for their sustenance, and they hold the key to the life-system of our sea. Salams, Abedib, it was a pleasure tea-ing with you.

The next day:

The Sultan said: Act Now

and MB said: Yes.

and me: Seeing is believing.

So pigs have wings,
And fires will fly...

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.

(Robert Frost - Fireflies in the Garden)

Much study has been done by FRIM and MARDI, I believe, on the mangrove (swamps?) system or ecology in which the fireflies thrive. The bigger questions of propagation, its conservation and protection from pollution remain unansered. Banks won't probably finance anything to do with this. Neither would politicians find this votes winning.

Talk of insects and banks, here's something on mosquitos:

The mosquito knows full well, small as he is
he's a beast of prey.
But after all
he only takes his bellyful,
he doesn't put my blood in the bank.

[D.H. Lawrence - The Mosquito Knows]

The fireflies in Tanjung Piai National Park is also seriously decreasing. It is sad that we thrive on nature to live yet we gradually destroy them in order to live. Lovely reference on the fireflies indeed, honeytar.

The fireflies in Tanjung Piai National Park are also seriously decreasing. It is sad that we thrive on nature to live yet we gradually destroy them in order to live. Lovely reference on the fireflies indeed, honeytar.

The firelies in Tanjung Piai National Park are also decreasing. It is sad that men thrive on nature in order to live yet gradually destroy nature in order to live.

Whoopsie, sorry bout that. I had some technical glitch just now. Didn't mean to flood the comment box.

It is okay Yazmeen.Now fireflies getting poetic;-) Thanks to Honeytar.

Not only will the firefiles disappear but also the berembang tree which is an indicator of the salinity of the water. It is a very delicate balance, too salty, the trees die. No trees, maybe no snails, and no fireflies. Wetlands are ugly but of supreme importance. The supreme irony is that we destroy our wetlands, then build an expensive-to-maintain artificial one in Putrajaya. Thanks Honeytar, for Frost.

Not only wetlands,we also destroyed our values and adopted a foreign one to.Then ,we were wondering who are we?

talk about man-made wetlands and parks, i didn't get a chance to visit Putrajaya nor Cyberjaya just yet. anyway, i've found this link below on Taman Tasik Cyberjaya.

M'sia Boleh !!! Can one lah !

"Like many other things in our life, if we donot take good care,it will also fades away" (I get the message, sir). ;-)

[You're welcome].

Haneytar and all,

"Knowledge comes with the arrival of meaning".
When I lost my ability to run a few years ago due to my arthritis, then only I began to value the luxury(nikmat) of running!(which I used to take it for granted).Most of the time, we only learn when we get 'hurt'.

I am happy to know that you get the message.

Our beloved Prophet is The Messengger of Allah swt.Only a minority of mankind "got" the message.May Allah includes all of us in this minority.

Below is a link to the latest news on what actions being taken by MB of Selangor on fireflies:

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