To-day,we Malaysians are celebrating our 47th anniversary of Merdeka Day(Independence Day).Most days, we are too busy with our daily work that we don't have the time to even think of what does it means to be Merdeka. As usual, many people took many things for granted.May be ,it is a good day to take time to ponder-to think and to reflect of what have we done, what we could have done and what we should be doing as a nation as from now.
Personally,I was only five years old when our country became an independent nation.I tried hard to recollect, but my memory fails me to remember what it was like living under the British rule. So nothing much I could say about life during that time.
Over the last 47 years, so much water has passed under the bridge. If I were to sit there and look down the river,so much had changed -some are good, some are bad and a few ugly ones...Sad to note that a few rivers are so polluted that I can't see my own reflections.Whatever ,the rivers keep flowing....
As a nation or as individual, all of us can use the process "to ponder"( i.e to think and to reflect) so that we can learn a few lessons .Just jot down the list of lessons learnt so that we can do better in the future. We can't change the past, but we can do something now for our future.
The message from the Prime Minister:
Let all citizens of Malaysia,without feeling inferior,without feeling sidelined,irrespective of race or religion, rise to be statemen in our own land. We are equal, we are all Malaysians. No individuals in this country is more Malaysian than another. Unleash your potential and shape this country of yours the way you want it to be.
To all my fellow Malaysians:
Salam merdeka to you, Uncle Adib & family.
Posted by: yaz | Tuesday, August 31, 2004 at 08:50 PM
Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka. Moga2 negara tercinta & rakyatnya sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan & rahmat Allah swt. Jasa pejuang2 kemerdekaan haruslah dikenang terutamanya golongan2 yg dilupakan seperti ulama2 & tokguru2 pondok (termasuklah arwah ayah Abedib). Merekalah sebenarnya penggerak kpd golongan rakyat biasa dlm menuntut kemerdekaan. Tak lupa kepada para pahlawan spt Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau, Wan Mat Saman, dll. Moga2 roh mereka semua berada dlm kesejahteraan di alam akhirat. Tiada erti kemerdekaan jika jiwa & minda kita masih terbelenggu & dijajah.
Posted by: SK | Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 07:29 PM
Salam Merdeka Yazmeen,SK dan semua pembaca blog The Reader.
Untuk makluman,allahyarham ayahnda saya bergiat didalam bidang pengembangan ilmu agama sejak selepas perang dunia ke-2.Dalam tahun 1948,rumah ayah saya dikelilingi askar upahan Inggeris dengan tujuan untuk menangkapnya atas alasan subversif."Dosa" ayah saya ialah membina sekolah agama! Dimata Inggeris, usaha ayah saya memberi pelajaran(kesedaran) kpd bangsanya sendiri adalah subversif! Begitulah zalimnya penjajah!
Saya berharap selepas kita menghalau penjajah,jangan pula kita sendiri menjadi penjajah bangsa sendiri.
Posted by: Adib | Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 08:48 PM