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Monday, June 28, 2004


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I just hope more of our youths (esp. our ladies)say "tak nak" and not acquire this addiction.

It's really the most wasteful and uncool habit to have.


Age old problem. When I was in school a lot of my friends started to experiment with cigarettes just to be part of the gang. I tried too but never picked up the bad habit.

I am proud to say that my two older boys (18 and 16) don't smoke. When they were in primary school, I actually allowed them to smoke a cigarette each. My rational, if they are going to experiment, they might as well do it in front of their father and not feel guity about it. They tried, and did not like the taste. End of story.

A couple of months ago, my #2 son told me that his friends pestered him to smoke with them. He proudly told them that he had experimented with smoking when he was still in primary school, ie, very much earlier than them. He told them too that smoking was no big deal. He tried it and did not like it.

I have another son in Std 5. I might just go buy him a cigarette to try today! The trick worked on the first 2, I think it will work for #3.

I went to the canteen at the Law Courts on the corner of Merdeka square about a year ago. They had big "No Smoking" signs fixed to many of the tables. Three policemen sat puffing away at one of them.

true story (I saw it):
a lady was trying to light-up her cigarettes and behind her is the 'Taknak' signage.

true story (I saw it):
a lady was trying to light-up her cigarettes and behind her is the 'Taknak' signage.

I have a lot of fathers smoke right into their children's face while holding them. I have mothers who smoke do that too. My husband smokes. I have given up trying to get him to stop this habit. But we have agreed from day one that he will only smoke outside the house and not around me abd the children.

hmmmm...quite intersting topic. Reader Jr = The Reader sharing same Dunhill Light :) Yiks!!!

a'kum abedib & friends,

smoke, skom, lardos, korokstabang, peyghut, ongkhee or whtchamacallit whne we were teenagers - yeah i was a smoker!

firts attemt to stop when i befriended a girl....then she passed away, started again due to supre heavy emotional pressure.....

started working - and being a marketing person initially, smoking as a good excuse to not do other things - like drinking - with the clients!
fav smoke: marlboro lights

then when i got married - i just stopped - just like that, really, and i really believe that to make it happen, its all in the mind...
been more than 5 years now since my last puffs...and when i see those youngsters smoking, i just smiled....cuz some of them done even seem to know how to properly inhale and exhale!

....wei maher!! cukup2 laa tu!!! teheheheheh!!!

Cannot go maaaa...old habbit die hard, just like The Reader itself...hahahaha

Pak Adib, how was the Bookcrossers Meet? What did you actually do? I get the invites but somehow have not been, mostly because I don't know what is supposed to happen at these meetings!

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