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Sunday, June 20, 2004


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AbeDib, ada buat something special ke for the day? Dapat hadiah of another hi-tech gadget pun ok gak, hehe...

This year, no money to buy for you some gadget. Need to find a job first. :)

To all daddies in the world,

May you grow to be a responsible father to your children, a loving, caring and faithful husband to your wife and a better person as a whole.

Happy Father's Day !!!

Most of us become fathers by default. We got married and have kids.Along the way, we became fathers without adequate knowledge and skills. If I were to ask myself,"Are you a competent father?", I won't say that I am. Personally,on reflection, I have made many mistakes doing by trial and error.And of course, with many errors that I could have avoided if only I have learned how to be a competent father.

It is not easy to be a father and a good husband nowadays; but we fathers must try harder.

To younger fathers out there,please learn to be a better father for the sake of your kids.

HAPPY FATHER DAY to pak adib.

Thank you,Wattan.
Before we can be better fathers(or mothers),do we know what is our roles and responsibility? To undertake that, we must have the necessary knowledge,skill and attitude.

Sad to note, many of us lack parenting knowledge.( includes yours truly).

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