Everyone aspires to have and to live a good life. If we donot know what it is, how could we find it? Once we know what it is, then we can work for it. Many a time, we donot know what we really want;we just follow the crowd and hope and pray that we will discover a good life.
The good life has many different definations to many people.If you ask ten persons, I am sure you will get ten different answers.If you ask yourself,it also varies with the time of your life. IMHO, what we think are mere perceptions of a good life.
Then what is good life?
Below is an excerpt from page 232/232 of the book: Don't be Sad by al-Qarnee
*Let us refer to the Quran:
{[Whoever works righteosness,whether male or female,while he(or she) is a true believer(of Islamic Monotheism) verily,to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect,contentment and lawful provision),and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do(i.e Paradise in the Hereafter)]}- Qur'an 16:97
There are two conditions to gaining a good life: faith in Allah and doing good deeds.In the words of the Qur'an:
{[ Verily,those who believe and work deeds of righteousness,the Most Beneficient(Allah) will bestow love for them(in the hearts of the believers)]}- Qur'an 19:96
The one who believes in Allah and does good deeds derives two benefits:
1.A good and prosperous life in this world and in the Hereafter.
2.A tremendous reward from Allah,the Exalted.
{[ For them are glad tidings,in the life of the present world,and in the Hereafter]}-Qur'an 10:64*
The first question I asked myself is how good is my faith(iman-rubbubiah/uluhiyah/ubudiah) in Allah? This is something that is intangible and only Allah swt knows about it. To improve my iman, I need some form of a yardstick to 'measure' it. What I can think of is the level of my compliance to the Commands of Allah in my daily life.Worship is an act of obedience! My faith is good if I obey most of Allah's commands and vice versa.
The second question is good deeds.This is not difficult to assess.Just list the good deeds that you have done,then compared to the bad ones .To improve our chance of having a good life, we must then leave behind bad deeds and add more good deeds.
Does it sound easy? No, it is not easy. It is a struggle every moment and everyday in our life time. The biggest battle is with our nafs.
good life comes from a good soul. better still, good and wise mind.
korban nafsu tu yg paling susah nak buat. so they say.
Posted by: awan | Friday, February 06, 2004 at 09:47 AM
Assalamualaikum to sdr adip, (hari juma'at yang mulia),
We have roles in our lifes, as fathers, mothers, students, employers, employees...the duties go on. I believe we should do our best to fulfull our roles as according to the guidelines written in the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah with hadiths. After this, we just follow the Path that is written for us in our Book of Life, inshaAllah...life will be beautiful!
Posted by: tomohiko89 | Friday, February 06, 2004 at 12:17 PM
Agreed Sdri Tomohiko89. However, we need to learn more about what are iman and good deeds.
Iman is sine qua non to good akhlak and good characters. Persons of good characters only will do good deeds.
La vita e bela.
Posted by: Adib | Friday, February 06, 2004 at 12:37 PM