"Why is it that Cik Yus has to die?",asked my 15 years old son.Then ,he continued his rationale: "Three years ago her husband passed away and now her turn to die due to cancer.I really pity her children".
My cousin died three years ago of heart attack in his forties.His wife Yus ,also in her early forties ,passed away last weekend.At her death bed, I took about twice as long to recite Suraah Yaasin because my reading was interrupted by the tears that keep flowing..I feel so sad looking at the four kids without a father and a mother:-((
Now,it is my turn to answer a similar question that I used to ask my late father when I was 20 years old. To me, at that time,it appears that Allah was unfair.My father told me that it is the justice of Allah and told me that I won't understand until I am forty years old! When I clocked forty , I looked for the meaning in order to understand and yet I could not reconcile and still could not understand...
Two years ago ,I attended a lecture given by Dr Sayed Naguib al-Attas at ISTAC.Then only I understood that I would not be able to understand the Wills of Allah. If I could understand the 'mind' of God, then I will be at par with God,which is not achievable by any human mind or soul. Therefore, I could not understand. All I could tell my son was that all of us belongs to Allah;it is His right as the Owner of all His creations to do what He pleases.
Let me qoute an excerpt from the book "Don't Be Sad".
It is incumbent upon everyone to realise that death is hovering above us.At any moment,day or night,death can come.Caliph Ali bin Abu Taalib expressed in lucid terms the reality of our life:
" The Hereafter is travelling towards us and this life is travelling away from us; so be among the children of the Hereafter and not the children of this world.For today is action without reckoning(judgement), and tomorrow is reckoning without action".
From this saying,we can learn how imperative it is for us to improve ourselves,to renew our repentance.and to know that we are dealing with The Lord,Who is Generous,Powerful,Great and Kind.
Death does not seek permission prior to arrival,nor does it gives early warning that it is on the way. The Qur'an informs us:
{[No person knows what he will earn tomorrow,and no person knows in what land he will die]}-Qur'an 31:34
{[The Appointment to you is for a Day,which you cannot put back for an hour(or a moment) nor put forward]}-Qur'an 34:30
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