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Saturday, January 24, 2004


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You talk on paper only, project management is practical not talk.

If you a student, how do you lecture and train people? Conflicting...

Dear Adib

I hope the person who called himself/herself "Abe" is joking. If not, then this person could well be quite ignorant and is of simplistic mindset.

I do not question his/her right to say what he/she feels, but I find it hard to digest his/her two-line shallow conjecture. Perhaps this person should qualify his/her statement by substantiating it with substantial intellectual reasonings.

Project management (PM)is both a priori and a posteriori. It starts with a terminus a qua and ends at a terminus adquem, moving the management process from one state (situational) to another.

Why does a project arise in the first instance? The driving force could well be attributed to some "drivers of change"- those motivations, visions,directives, goals and objectives that fuel the need to achieve what one has set to achieve or transform something to something else. PM comprises task and people. The task of PM are just tools of predicting the outcomes, planning, monitoring and controlling of a project . Too much engrossed on it will certainly contribute to the failure of realising the project. The efficacious operation of the task is as important as the art of leading people effectively to achieve a project goal.

"Abe" may not realise it. Moving from the moment he/she knows how to think to the final state of mental decadence, Abe, without realising it, was,has been,is and will continue to be involved in numerous personal project management processes. Just think about it.

I do not pretend to be an expert in PM, despite having the necessary professional qualifications and some experience in practising in this field as well as teaching it at the tertiary level( devoting some 27 years of my life to it). However, I need to keep on learning from knowledgable practitioners like you, Sdr Adib. Humbly I am still a student for the more you learn the more you need to know. There is no end to learning.

What is wrong for a student (who knows something better) to help other students who need to know better. Knowledge has to be shared, after all.

In trying hard not to be reactionary, I humbly advise Abe to be more diplomatic and cultured if he or she wants to participate proactively in a game of serious intellectual discourse.

I beg my apologies if I sound rude.

Pak Din

Well said, Pak Din. Words of a worthy opponent.

Double thumbs up for you Pak Din! I hope those concerned can now add the word "polite" to their vocab.

Sdr Adib,
Like Pak Din I was disturbed by Abe's comment, which is totally uncalled for. It is drenched in that congentital talent we Malays have, one that finds expression in that overweening cadence of "Sudahlah!" etc.

Syabas to PakDin for coming to your defence. But if I may humbly add to his comments. Surely the a prioriness and the a posteriorines of project management apply to the subject matter in hand, and not to the wielder of the shining torch; althought a bit of experience actually does help. This seemed to be Abe's main grudge, but in doing so he's missed the point that Adib tried to make with commendable humility: that we're all learners in this life, no matter how skilled we think we are. This is a truth that has been uttered from al-Ghazali onwards ("The more I know the more I realise how little I know").

But in his noble haste to come to your defence, did Pak Din's fingers slip in his typing? Is it terminus 'a qua' or 'a quo'? But not to worry, I did journey safely to the ad quem of Pakdin's note, and my regards to him, that notwithstanding.

Selamat Hari Raya Haji to Sdr Adib and all!

Sorry Sdr Adib, I'm back:

I meant to type in congenital, not congentital. An erratum ante quem. Apologies.

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