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Saturday, January 31, 2004


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Yet to perform the Hajj, insyaAllah one day.

However, been watching live coverage from Sky News and CNN of the events, a great programme that they've been airing since past few years.

It's the SkyNews anchor lady, Liza Aziz reporting from there this year. For CNN, this annual award winning programme 'The Hajj: Islam's Journey of Faith', by Riz Khan has always been a brilliant piece.

IMHO, it's quite touching for us (the born muslims) to see our brothers and sisters; converted mat & minah salleh, pak hitam & mak hitam, performing this fardhu... it's broaden our world views a lot.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha.

Last night, I heard the news that 120 pilgrims died due to stampade and early this morning mt friend in Mina sms-ed to me that about 80 pilgrims had died.

When I was there last year,it also happened but the number was only about 10% of this year.From my experience, pilgrims themselves are a part to be blamed-they did NOT follow directions by Saudi authorities.Many a time, the herd mentality took over:-(

i dont really understand and i am not a muslim it must be really hard i am learning about your culture in school and i am in my last year i find it really interesting

Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a note here.I am a muslim and you are most welcome to learn about our religion(Ad-Din).

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