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« The Network is personal | Main | Online Book: The Ideal Muslimah »

Friday, September 26, 2003


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There is also "The Ideal Muslimah" by the same author. I bought this version especially for my wife and 2 daughters.

Am currently reading (2nd round) "How to lose friends and infuriate people" by Jonar C Nader. A brilliant book.


the ideal muslimah - sold here in malaysia? kat ner yer...? and how much is it?

The book is very informative and inspiring!It contains nine chapters discussing roles and responsiblity of muslim and his relation with :
1.His Rabb( God)
2.His Own Self
3.His parents
4.His wife
5.His children
6.His relatives
7.His Neighbours
8.His friends and Brothers in Islam
9.His Community/Society.

A very good guide.However, I donot know whether you can get locally because I bought mine in Makkah al-Mukarramah last Feb,2003.May be Gabra can tell us where he bought the book for his wife and daughters.

You can read the website at :


Sorry Nona, I bought mine in Makkah too for about SR 35. You can probably ask someone going for their Umrah this Ramadhan to get one for you. If I find this book in Malaysia I will let you know, ok?


Alhamdulillah, You do not have to buy this book as I just found it online and you can download the entire book to read at leisure. Masha Allah.

Profound indeed. Syukran jazilan for sharing it with us. I wonder where I can get hold of that book, Uncle Adib?

look at this funny muslim humor website

Assallam 'aleykum! Please where can I get the orriginal copy of the book 'DON'T BE SAD' in my country (Nigeria).

Re: where to get the book 'DON'T BE SAD in Nigeria. my e-mail is [email protected]

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